47 Fabulous US Road Trip Itineraries

Some of my best memories are from road trips throughout the United States, from historical New England to the west coast’s amazing coastline and national parks. Getting in your car and stopping wherever looks interesting is the perfect way to explore the expansive United States.

Below are starting points and recommendations of ways to spend a day driving in a specific locale or even whole road trips. This page will continually be growing, so continue to visit. Enjoy and have a fantastic U.S. road trip with help from this U.S. road trip planner!

The United States is very large,  so consult a map in your planning.US Road Trip Itineraries, best road trips in the USA

U.S. Road Trips by Geographic Region

Midwest Road Trip Travel Guide

midwest getaways
Photo of Polk County, Iowa, by Carl Wycoff on Flickr.

With inspiring song lyrics such as “amber waves of grains,” the Midwest has wide open spaces and friendly locals.

Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska



Michigan and Wisconsin

South Dakota

Northeast U.S. Road Trips

best New England road trips
Photo of Lincoln, New Hampshire

The northeast is the perfect place to experience the four seasons, with gorgeous mountains, quaint towns, famous islands, and stunning shorelines.

New Jersey

New York


Best New England Road Trips



New Hampshire

Rhode Island



Southwest Road Trip Ideas

Southwest Road Trip Ideas

The deserts of the southwest U.S. are a sight to behold. Be sure also to explore our Native American history.



New Mexico

Road Tripping the Southern U.S.

Perfect US Road Trip

Although summers can be excruciatingly hot, the green trees, swamps, food, history, and southern charm make the Southeast U.S. one of my favorite areas.






South Carolina



West Virginia

West Coast USA Road Trip Planner

west coast road trip itinerary

The west coast is the best coast for a road trip, with beaches, gigantic redwood forests, missions, and Hollywood.



Explore the Open Western US

west coast road trip itinerary
Colorado by Vin Crosbie on Flickr

Including the fabulous Rocky Mountains and the majestically carved stones of our national parks, the West should be part of anyone’s bucket list.





Alaska Road Trips

Fireweed is a pink flower that is ubiquitous in Alaska. You can even get fireweed jelly.

On an Alaskan road trip, you will see unspoiled beauty and more wildlife than you can imagine!

Canada Road Trip Itineraries

Canada road trip ideas
Photo of Moraine Lake in Banff, Canada, by Alexander Shchukin on Flickr.

Although Canada is obviously not in the U.S., its proximity makes it the perfect country in which to continue your U.S. road trip. The first road trip I drove was from Boston to Quebec, which started my love for the travel genre!

Follow our Pinterest board!

If you are taking your road trip in an RV, check out my Beginner’s Guide to RVing.

Where is your favorite US road trip?

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