16 Amazing Asian Desserts You Must Try!

Asian desserts

One of the best parts of traveling is trying local food. I especially appreciate local desserts. Sweets are a luxury, a celebration of a well-spent day. Asian desserts are heavy on local fruits, rice, and beans. They are different than most sweets westerners are used to. Enjoy my collection of the best Asian desserts from … Read more

The Top 20 Places to Travel in October Around the World

Incredible Fall Colors Around the World www.thedailyadventuresofme.com

I  have to admit, I was being very narrow-minded. You see, I grew up in California where autumn is really only a concept. Californians try, but only really succeed, in conjuring up fall by decorating excessively. Then I moved to New England with its spectacular bursts of colors! Some would say I now live among … Read more

Where to See Cherry Trees in Spring Around the World

Where to see Cherry Blossoms

My favorite season is spring when the world comes alive after its winter slumber. I love all the flowers, but I especially love cherry blossoms. Oh, the pinks and whites of beautiful cherry blossoms in spring and the optimistic feeling they put in my soul. Although they are rumored to have originated in the Himalayas, … Read more

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