I have taken many road trips from California to Las Vegas, always noting the sign for Zzyzx Road in Mohave Dessert as I sped by. The street is off Highway 15 and seems to lead to nowhere.
Was the sign put up so California could brag that it has the last alphabetical street in the world, or was there something there?
On a road trip to Las Vegas with the kids to celebrate their great-great grandmother’s 100th birthday, we decided the time had come for us to find out what is really on Zzyzx Road! Zzyzx is the correct spelling, often confused with Zzyzzx Road or Xxyyzz Road. This is the erroneous addition of some fun letters as if the name itself isn’t enough.

Directly off the exit, you can find the edge of the beautiful Soda Lake. The lake is an alkali salt and clay-rimmed lake that is usually dry in the winter, which is when we visited. Consequently, when it is dry, the salt sheet may be as thick as 20 cm thick. If you spend some time exploring, you can find remnants of the railroads that went through this neighborhood, as well as evidence of salt mining.
The real story begins at the end of the 4.5-mile dirt road. The military used the area in the 1800s as Camp Soda Springs.
It was later named Zzyzx by Curtis Howe Springer. He started the Zzyzx Mineral Springs and Health Spa there, bottling the spring’s water for thirsty travelers and bringing in a zoo to attract visitors. The spa ran for about thirty years in the middle 1900s.
It is a Desert Studies Center now used by the California State University. Although the Mohave Desert is the smallest in the world, according to the Desert Studies Center’s website, it is the most diverse. This location provides the opportunity to study many aspects of biology, archaeology, ecology, and Native Americans.
Who knew so much history and beauty could be found on such a random street? Have you been to Zzyzx Road? I would love to hear your stories in the comments.
If you are planning a US road trip, check out my Ultimate Guide to Planning a US Road Trip. If you are continuing your road trip past Vegas to the Grand Canyon, read about my Northern Arizona Road Trip.
Interesting! Thanks for investigating 😉
I recently read your fascinating post about the curiosities located on Zzyzx Road in Las Vegas. As a local, I’d heard rumors about this strange street name, but had no idea about the actual history!
The backstory you uncovered about Curtis Howe Springer establishing a health resort in the desert is remarkable. I appreciate you taking readers on an investigative journey to separate fact from fiction. The photos you took of the abandoned mineral baths, church ruins, and wildlife preserve were eerie and intriguing.
Your post left me wanting to know even more. Are any of Springer’s original buildings still intact today? Is there any way for visitors to safely explore what remains? I’d love to see how the area looks now, over 70 years later. You really made me curious about this mysterious slice of Nevada history!
Let me know if you make it back out to Zzyzx Road and uncover anything new. I admire your sense of adventure in seeking out an unusual local legend. Thanks for the entertaining read!
I drove to Inglewood to Las Vegas in 2011, but can’t remember this road. I do remember Death Valley though!
Death Valley is beautiful and so hot. We visited there when my oldest was five. He said, “We need to get back into the car now.”
I am always intrigued by interesting named places, funny you went to check it out! I need to make more time for quick stops like this!
I am drawn to the strange and beautiful! Anything off the beaten path is often the best part of my trips!
This is the strangest stop-over. I remember stopping someplace similar (maybe even here) and thinking “It’s like Mars…with palms.” I love a good road trip find.
Rob, I hate the heat, but deserts are really beautiful and otherworldly. On a related note, Area 51 and Alien Beef Jerky are in this same area.
Amazing detour!That place looks surreal With its palm trees.Sandy lake salt flat looks huge.I’ll make sure to visit this place when in the states!
Glad to hear, Nicholas.
Love road trips through the USA. There is always something to explore. Loved this post! So interesting how much history there is if we only look.
I love to explore the hidden nooks.
We have driven this highway from LA to Vegas tons and tons of times. We would always comment on it but we never took it. I thoroughly enjoyed this and now we don’t have to wonder anymore. 🙂
I’m so glad to have helped.
Thanks for the article, I’ve seen the sign many times and always wondered about the story behind the name. Well, now I know 🙂
Glad to illuminate it for you.
Thanks for the info! I hadn’t heard about this until I stumbled across your blog!
Are you going to get to check it out?
I just finished reading “The Narrows”, a novel by Michael Connelly. Zzyzx Road was used as a serial killer’s body dump site. I’m glad you found it more refreshing!
Been used again by a demented killer in the co-directed by Michael Connoly “Bsch – Legacy, series 2 TV series.
Traveled this road to Vegas many times on my road trips and even have iconic photos with the sign.
Always wondered what was on that exit. Very interesting read and I will try to convince my wife to take this detour if we ever get back from Australia.
Did you get a chance to read the novel, The Narrows”, by Michael Connelly? Zzyzx Road was used as a serial killer’s body dump site. Another interesting read.