An Italian Surprise: The Town of Maratea, Italy and its Christ the Redeemer Statue

How to see Italy's Christ the Redeemer statue

Did you know there is a gigantic (70 feet tall) Christ the Redeemer Statue in Italy looming over the Tyrrhenian Sea? After our road trip through Puglia and a wonderous stop in Matera, our host pointed us to the seaside town of Maratea. The town was mainly closed when we visited in March, but our … Read more

47 Fabulous Things to Do on Martha’s Vineyard

Menemsha at twilight, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Whether you are trying to figure out what to do on Martha’s Vineyard for a day or a week, this list should keep you busy. Martha’s Vineyard is a large island off the coast of mainland Massachusetts. It is the third-largest island on the US’ east coast. It is easily accessible by ferry from Cape … Read more

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