An Italian Surprise: The Town of Maratea, Italy and its Christ the Redeemer Statue

Did you know there is a gigantic (70 feet tall) Christ the Redeemer Statue in Italy looming over the Tyrrhenian Sea? After our road trip through Puglia and a wonderous stop in Matera, our host pointed us to the seaside town of Maratea. The town was mainly closed when we visited in March, but our visit to the Christ the Redeemer Statue made it worth our time.

Not only is the statue inspiring to see, but the 360-degree views of the coastline from 2000 feet above the water are spectacular.

How to see Italy's Christ the Redeemer statue
Next to the Christ statue, you can see the ruins of the ancient Maratea Castle.

Where is Maratea?

Maratea is on Italy’s western coast, about 205 km (127 miles) south of Naples and 150 km (94 miles) southwest of Matera. A coastal train that travels from Naples through the mountains would be a beautiful ride. (If you enjoy gorgeous train rides, check out The Best Scenic Train Rides in North America).

About Cristo di Maratea

Cristo di Maratea
Cristo di Maratea

Although there is another Christ the Redeemer Statue in Italy, the Christ statue in Maratea is one of the largest in the world after the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

It fact, it was inspired by a trip to Rio. Florentine sculptor Bruno Innocenti built the concrete and Carrera marble statue in the 1960s.

The statue sits atop the Monte San Biagio and faces the church, Basilica di San Biagio. It can be seen from far away but appears to be looking outward when seen from a distance.

How to Visit the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Maratea- Cristo di Maratea

There are two ways to get to the top of Monte San Biagio.

Drive to Cristo di Maratea

The first way is to drive up the winding road, which includes raised concrete bridges. If you are afraid of heights, consider these bridges. The road is 4.2 miles long and has 18 switchbacks. It is quite a thrilling ride!

Hike to Cristo di Maratea

The alternative route is hiking up the mountain. The trailhead starts at Via Cappuccini in Maratea Borgo. We drove, but you can read about another blogger’s experience hiking the trail here.

Maratea Italy things to do

The visit is free out-of-season, but in tourist season, you must pay a small amount and take a shuttle bus up the mountain.

Since we visited in March, we parked at the top of the mountain and took a short walk on the paved trail up to the statue. We also enjoyed walking around the statue, which gave us amazing coastline views.

The church was closed when we visited.

Christ statue in Maratea, Italy
The village of Maratea, including its port and beaches

It was incredible to be mainly alone on a gorgeous mountaintop covered in flowers, with a massive Christ statue and pristine coastal views. It will stay in our minds. I would recommend this in addition to a trip to Naples, Matera, or Calabria.

Next, we headed for the ferry over to Sicily, where most of my ancestors are from.

Get ready to embark on an Italian adventure unlike any other. Did you know Italy houses one of the largest Christ the Redeemer statues in the world? Discover the wonders of Maratea, a hidden gem on Italy's western coast!

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