Five Ways to Increase Your Happiness

Thank you, N!CK’S Ice Cream for sponsoring this post. Visit your local retailer to enjoy a pint today!

We all would love to be happier. For some people, it comes naturally; for others, happiness has to be a conscious decision. Have you noticed that some people are happy even when life is going badly for them? And others are down, even when life is going great? Decide today to be happy and make changes in your life to make that happen!

1. Be Grateful

Quality time with my oldest

Thanksgiving is just over a month away– a perfect time to recall that being consciously grateful makes us happier with what we have. Giving voice to our gratitude brings to mind the things we have. This voice can make the voices that focus on what we don’t have, get much smaller. Did you know that writing a letter of gratitude to a person can increase your happiness for a month?

2. Get Outside and Move

According to a study at Yale and Oxford, moderate exercise makes you happier than making more money. I know I feel better after taking a hike or playing tennis. And exercising gives me the ability to do other things I love- like eating ice cream daily!

3. Try Something New

The Dalai Lama famously said, “Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” I agree with that quote but take it even further. Putting novel things often, into a balanced life can change your perspective. Looking forward to new things is fun. You may not have the resources to go far away, so take a new hike by your house once a month. Try a new food that makes you feel good. I recently tried N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream. It’s rich, creamy, spoon-soft, and I’ll tell you more in just a moment.

Which flavor will you pick? They also have Mint Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter & Caramel Swirl, Vanilla Bean, Chocolate and Butter Pecan.

4. Have Balance in your Life

Obviously, a life full of just doing things to make only yourself happy will not create pure joy. Do kind things for others. Achieve financial savings goals. Try the new ice cream that tastes great, and is better-for-you. The N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream that I tried, had fewer calories than traditional ice cream, which means I can eat a whole pint of it! It still tastes rich and creamy. Now that is something that makes me very happy! If you followed my travels to Sweden, you know I am a big fan of everything Swedish! It is even Keto-friendly as it has no added sugar.

Creamy and spoon-soft

Read on for more information about N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream. 

5. Schedule Something that Makes you Happy Each Day

I look forward to a phone call to my dad, time talking to my boys and a hot bath with a pint of ice cream and a good book before bed. What small things do you enjoy that you can add to your day to make it happier?

The perfect ending to my day

So take this season and make positive changes to your life, and live it with a smile on your face (which can also make you feel happier). Buy a couple of pints of N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream, share with a friend and talk about all the things for which you are thankful.




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25 thoughts on “Five Ways to Increase Your Happiness”

  1. A happiness post sponsored by an ice cream company? But of course it is. Good tips for anyone. Being grateful for even small things, especially when traveling is key. Assuming one is traveling, one assumes you are getting out and moving. Trying something new? Well again, if you are traveling, we would assume this is a given. Balance … sometimes hard to do even when traveling, but so key. Scheduling personal time is important too.

  2. Always believe in being grateful and getting out more, that really does make me happy (espeically if lakes and mountains are involved),. Not sure on the ice cream, but traveling, meeting new people and listening to smoothing music is always a bonus with me.

  3. I’m trying to keep off ice-cream for a while, although I agree it’s a shortcut to happiness! My thing for happiness is to get outside and get some air and sunshine!

  4. I think getting out and doing some physical execise is so important to health and wellbeing. It can be quite difficult to muster up the motivation sometimes, but so worth it afterwards – and prevents ice cream guilt! ?

  5. Great post, this one. We often forget to stop and breathe and take care of our own selves and recognise our own happiness. And I loved how the ice creams look so incredibly ideal for bringing joy. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. Trying something new would be my top priority and I live by it. Unfortunately, lately the number of new things tried are less due to the responsibilities at work and home but I try to make the most of it. Being grateful is also something I practice. I quite prayer after every successful work can do wonders to boost the confidence. Great post!

    • I know work and commitments can get in the way of the new, but I imagine there is something near you that you have been meaning to experience, but never got around to.

  7. Ice-cream and happiness really go hand in hand. Being grateful and trying something new always gives me happiness. Also exercising is really must for feeling good and happy. I would love to try this ice cream.

  8. These are all such great tips! It’s amazing the difference that just being grateful can make in your life. Having a positive outlook make everything better!

  9. You have some lovely tips there to increase your happiness.s After having 3 heart surgeries in the last year, I am definitely more grateful for everything that I have around me. The one that I try and do more is to get outside more and move, as it does make me feel happy 🙂


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