Family-Friendly Berry Sangria
Recipe type: Beverages
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
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Serves: 5 cups
Using tea adds flavor, yet cuts down on calories and sugar, in this perfect for summer drink.
  • 6 bags Bigelow Red Raspberry Herbal Tea or Raspberry Royal if you prefer a version that contains caffeine.
  • 16 oz. boiling hot water
  • 16 oz. cold water
  • Ice
  • Sliced strawberries and blueberries for garnish.
  1. Steep 6 bags Bigelow Red Raspberry Herbal Tea in 16 oz. boiling water in a Pyrex cup large enough to hold 32 oz. of liquid.
  2. Let steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour concentrate into pitcher over .
  4. Add the cold water.
  5. Stir.
  6. Garnish with berries.
  7. Enjoy.
Recipe by The Daily Adventures of Me at